Choosing the people who will help you attain your goal must be done carefull。You may initially select some people who you later decide are not appropriate;and you may discover that there are unanticipated needs for knowledge that must be filled。Trial and error will be part of the process;but there are two qualities to keep foremost in your mind that will help you avoid too many surprises。
第一项特质是工作能力。切勿只因为你喜欢或认识某 人,就把他选择为团员,虽然这样的人,会改善你的生活品 质,但未必就适合智囊团;你最好的朋友,未必就是你所需 要的行销专业人才,但或许他可为你介绍专业人员。
The first is ability to do the job。Do not select people for your alliance merely because you like and know them。Such people are valuable to you because they improve the quality of your life;but they are not necessarily suited to a mastermind alliance。Your best friend may not be the most knowledgeable marketing professional in your area;but perhaps he ca introduce you to someone who is。
第二项特质就是和他人和谐共事的能力。不和谐的工作 气氛,将会抵消智囊团的效率。虽然,这种情形可能不会立 即发生,但却可能在输赢的关键时刻爆发出来。
The other quality is the ability to work in a spirit of harmony with others。Without harmony your alliance will falter;perhaps not right away but at some crucial moment when everything is about to be won or lost。
卡内基曾经告诉我,他找寻一位首席化学家的故事:经过全球探访后,他找到一位当时在一家德国公司任职的化学家,这位化学家的能力是无庸置疑的,于是卡内基便和他签 了5年的合约,但是不到一年卡内基就和他解约了。
Andrew Carnegie once told me of a worldwide search he conducted for his chief chemist。His scouts found brilliant man working for a German firm。His ability was without question。Carnegis entered into a five…year contract for the man;s sevices。Within a year he had released the man from the bargain。
Why? Because the chemist was so temperamental that he had an entire department in upheaval。None of the other cerned with perceived slights that he spent all his time fuming and acplished nothing。
你必须排除智囊团中的任何不和谐现象,各成员应毫无 保留地汇整彼此的智慧,个人的野心(包括你自己的野心), 必须臣俯于执行以及达成智囊团共同目标之下。
You must keep any thoughts of discord out of your alliance。 There must be a plete meeting of the minds;without any reservations on the part of any member。Personal ambitions must be subordinate to the fulfillment and successful achievement of the definite purpose of the alliance。This includes your own。
Being clear about you alliances purpose will give you a basis for judging someones ability to work in harmony with it。
You may still have to make adjustments in the alliances position;but there are also steps you must tale to build that harmony。
Step Three:Determine Your Rewards
Clearly determined rewards for participation in your mastermind alliance are an important factor in its harmony。Determine at the outset what rewards you are offering in return for the work of others;and there will be little room for later recriminations。
There are ten basic motives toward action that can be the basis of these rewards:
1.自保 Self…preservation
2.爱 Love
3.恐惧 Fear
4.性 Sex
5.对死后生命的渴望 Desire for life after death
6.身心自由 Freedom for mind and body
7.愤怒 Anger
8.仇恨 Hate
男人的黄金时代 天亮以后说分手 流浪在三国 告别虚伪的形式 毒女人:86位吸毒女性的口述实录 中华帝国1908 [励志]星云大师_宽心 学会站着睡觉 今生龙凤缘 婆媳相处之道 初战销金 撬开富翁的嘴--获悉成功秘诀 幸福没有味道 鹰之时代 三双鞋:美捷步总裁谢家华自述 看朱成碧 激荡三十年(上下) 重生之沸腾时代 换工作不如换思维 来到古代